Monday, September 8, 2008

Nature's Great Mysteries

I was reading an article the other day on CNN. This article focuses on a collider, named The Large Hadron Collider, which will hopefully recreate some of the same conditions that were present during the “big bang.” Now, being the creationist I am, I know that God created the earth in six days and on the seventh day, he rested. Here is part of what scientist are hoping to discover:

“The collider will recreate the conditions of less than a millionth of a second after the Big Bang, when there was a hot "soup" of tiny particles called quarks and gluons, to look at how the universe evolved, said John Harris, U.S. coordinator for ALICE, a detector specialized to analyze that question (”

Did you catch that? “To look at how the universe evolved.” It’s amazing to me that scientists have not been able to prove the big bang therory; mainly because it’s just a theory. This is how scientist who study the creation of the universe keep job securtity and obtain millions of dollars in grants.

I found this exerpt to be quite interesting:

‘“When Columbus sails west, he thought he was going to find something. He didn't find what he thought he was going to find, but he did find something interesting,’ said Lykken, who works on the Compact Muon Solenoid, one of six experiments inside the collider complex (”

I believe this is called a serendipity, something fortunate that’s discovered while looking for something else entirely. No folks, not just a movie starring John Cusack. This is actual scientific terminology.

Personally, I belive that scientist will find a serendipity. I believe that they will discover how magnificant God’s creation is! I belive they will discover the vast mystery of God’s great universe! That would be quite the serendipity.

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